Home > Blossary: Famous Activists
We keep hearing about Green peace Activists, Human Rights Activists, Animal Rights Activists and on and on, but the question is; who are these people? By definition, activists are people who fight to change the current order of things or (or activism). This order can exist in any aspect of our day to day life.

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7 Terms

Created by: farooq92

Number of Blossarys: 47

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Alice Paul was an early 20th century women's rights activist who played a key role in the women's suffrage movement that led to the passage of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution in 1920. Born into a Quaker family, she had a comfortable upbringing. Her parents were strong supporters of gender equality and her mother was a member of the National American Woman Suffrage Association. Growing up, she imbibed her parents' values, principles and beliefs which were reflected in her life's work. From a young age she believed that one should do whatever they could for the betterment of the society. She was a very well-educated woman—rare in the early 20th century America—who used her knowledge and intelligence to fight for the rights of women less fortunate than herself. While studying at the University of Pennsylvania, she became a member of the National American Women's Suffrage Association (NAWSA). She went on to form the National Woman's Party (NWP) with Lucy Burns to fight for women's rights, especially women's suffrage. The NWP staged protests in a non-violent manner, and Paul went on a hunger strike in an attempt to persuade the government to bring about an amendment in the legislature allowing women to vote. Their efforts eventually resulted in the passage of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Domain: People; Category: Personalities

Alice Paul buvo XX a. pradžios moterų ' s teisių aktyvistas, kuris suvaidino pagrindinį vaidmenį moterų ' s rinkimų Sąjūdis, padėjęs į XIX JAV Konstitucija pataisos 1920 metais. Gimė Quaker šeimoje, ji patogus auklėjimą. Jos tėvai buvo stiprios šalininkų lyčių lygybės ir jos motina buvo nacionalinės Amerikos moteris rinkimų asociacijos nariu. Vis daugiau, ji geriami tėvais ' vertybes, principus ir įsitikinimus, kurie buvo pateikti per savo gyvenimą ' s dirbti. Nuo mažens ji manė, kad vienas turi daryti viską, ką galėjo ir gerinti visuomenės. Ji buvo labai gerai išsilavinusi moteris-retas anksti XX a. Amerikos — kurie naudojami savo žinių ir intelekto kovoti dėl savo teisų moterų mažiau pasisekė nei save. Studijuodamas University of Pennsylvania, ji tapo nacionalinės Amerikos moterų narys ' s rinkimų asociacijos (NAWSA). Ji nuvyko į sudaro nacionalinės moteris ' s šalis (NWP) su Lucy Burns kovoti už moterų ' s teises, ypač moterų ' s balsavimu. Kad NWP surengė protestus nesmurtiniu būdu, ir Paul buvo bado streiką bando įtikinti vyriausybę apie pakeitimo suteikiant moterims įstatymų balsuoti. Pastangas galų gale atvedė į XIX JAV Konstitucijos pataisa ištrauka.

Domain: People; Category: Personalities

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