American Meteorological Society
Industry: Weather
Number of terms: 60695
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The American Meteorological Society promotes the development and dissemination of information and education on the atmospheric and related oceanic and hydrologic sciences and the advancement of their professional applications. Founded in 1919, AMS has a membership of more than 14,000 professionals, ...
An international code assigned to a ship to identify it as the source of meteorological observations.
The lessening or reduction of an atmospheric state that is considered detrimental to humans, animals, plants, or structures. In air pollution meteorology, refers to a reduction in peak intensity, duration, average concentration, or exposure to those chemicals in the air that are considered pollutants.
1. Any of a number of model atmospheres in which some of the following conditions exist throughout the motion: coincidence of pressure and temperature surfaces; absence of vertical wind shear; absence of vertical motions; absence of horizontal velocity divergence; and conservation of the vertical component of absolute vorticity. Barotropic models are usually divided into two classes: the nondivergent barotropic model and the divergent barotropic model (also called the shallow-water equations). 2. A single-parameter, single-level atmospheric model based solely on the advection of the initial circulation field. The simplest form of barotropic model is based on the barotropic vorticity advection equation: <center>[[File:ams2001glos-Be3.gif
The scalar function in a barotropic fluid, with gradient that is equal to the specific pressure force: <center>[[File:ams2001glos-Be4.gif
The state of a fluid in which surfaces of constant density (or temperature) are coincident with surfaces of constant pressure; it is the state of zero baroclinity. Mathematically, the equation of barotropy states that the gradients of the density and pressure fields are proportional: <center>[[File:ams2001glos-Be6.gif
When two oscillating quantities with different frequencies are superposed, the amplitude of the combination oscillates at the frequency difference, the beat frequency. The simplest example of beating is the superposition of two equal-amplitude oscillations, <center>[[File:ams2001glos-Be8.gif
An evaluation, according to set procedure, of those weather elements that are most important for aircraft operations. It always includes the cloud height or vertical visibility, sky cover, visibility, obstructions to vision, certain atmospheric phenomena, and wind speed and direction that prevail at the time of the observation. Complete observations include the sea level pressure, temperature, dewpoint temperature, and altimeter setting. Aviation weather observations are further classified as record, special, check, and local extra observations. The first two types are encoded and transmitted as reports on communications circuits. Compare synoptic weather observation.
The semipermanent subtropical high over the North Atlantic Ocean, so named especially when it is located over the eastern part of the ocean. The same high, when displaced to the western part of the Atlantic, or when it develops a separate cell there, is known as the Bermuda high. On mean charts of sea level pressure, this high is one of the principal centers of action in northern latitudes.
One of the currents of the North Atlantic subtropical gyre. It receives some 15 Sv (15 × 106m3s−1) from the North Atlantic Current near 45°W and continues as an eastward current along 35°N to eventually feed into the Canary Current and close the gyre.
In radar, a circular scale at the outer perimeter of a PPI (plan position indicator) display on which the azimuth angle is indicated.
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