American Meteorological Society
Industry: Weather
Number of terms: 60695
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
The American Meteorological Society promotes the development and dissemination of information and education on the atmospheric and related oceanic and hydrologic sciences and the advancement of their professional applications. Founded in 1919, AMS has a membership of more than 14,000 professionals, ...
Station at which instruments make and record observations automatically. Observations may be stored at the station in analog or digital form, or transmitted to a receiving station, or both.
Low-resolution analog transmission of AVHRR data from polar orbiting satellites. Two channels of reduced-resolution (4 km) data are continuously transmitted using analog VHF signals (137 MHz) at reduced rates (120 lines per minute), allowing use of simple, low-cost ground station equipment for APT reception. APT was initiated with the TIROS satellite launched in December 1963.
Station at which instruments make and either transmit or record evaporation automatically, the conversion to code form, if required, being made either directly or at an editing station.
A process or means by which the gain of a circuit is automatically adjusted in a specified manner as a function of the input signal or other specified parameters. Typically, AGC is used to ensure that the output of an amplifier remains within the design limits of a circuit.
Use of equipment, usually electronic, to perform calculations or procedures on data to enhance information content or information presentation.
Examination of a set of possible solutions to find items that satisfy certain criteria. In expert systems, it determines which rules or combinations of rules and facts can be used to solve a problem.
The process by which net charge is built up on an object, such as an airplane, moving relative to air containing dust or ice crystals. The electrification is produced by frictional effects (triboelectrification) accompanying contact between the object and the particulate matter. Compare exogenous electrification.
The simple linear correlation of a time series with its own past; that is, the correlation of the sequence of values x(t) with the sequence of values x(t + τ) occurring τ units of time later. The time displacement τ is called the lag. The autocorrelation function is the autocorrelation for variable lag. The autocorrelation coefficient is the product-moment correlation coefficient that relates the variables x(t) and x(t + τ). See serial correlation.
The initial stage of the collision–coalescence process whereby cloud droplets collide and coalesce to form drizzle drops. Originally a term for the rate equation to approximate the transfer of cloud drops to drizzle. Because of the low collection efficiencies among cloud drops, autoconversion can be the limiting factor in the formation of drizzle.
The environmental lapse rate of temperature in an atmosphere in which the density is constant with height (homogeneous atmosphere), equal to g/R, where g is the acceleration of gravity and R the gas constant. For dry air the autoconvective lapse rate is approximately +3. 4 × 10−4°C per cm. Although the term is poorly named (see autoconvection), it is useful in optics, since it defines the transition between upward and downward refraction of light in the atmosphere.
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