Industry: Medical
Number of terms: 700
Number of blossaries: 0
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Any of the cells of a plant or animal other than germ cells (reproductive cells)
A type of white blood cell and a versatile part of the immune system. Constantly on patrol, macrophages can find and kill many different kinds of bacteria. They are usually the first responders to any invasion of the body.
The functional cell type of the liver. Hepatocytes make enzymes for detoxifying metabolic waste, synthesise proteins for the blood plasma, produce bile and help control blood sugar levels within narrow limits.
A research study in human subjects to answer specific questions about vaccines or new therapies or new ways of using known treatments. Clinical trials are used to determine whether new drugs or treatments are both safe and effective. Trials take place in four phases: Phase I tests a new drug or treatment in a small group; Phase II expands the study to a larger group of people; Phase III expands the study to an even larger group of people; and Phase IV takes place after the drug or treatment has been licensed and marketed.
An early stage embryo of about 100 cells that has not yet implanted into the womb. The blastocyst is a sphere made up of an outer layer of cells, a fluid-filled cavity and cluster of cells inside called the inner cell mass. The blastocyst develops after cleavage and prior to implantation at approximately five days. Further reproductive development occurs only if the blastocyst is successfully implanted in the uterus.
An early stage embryo of about 100 cells that has not yet implanted into the womb. The blastocyst is a sphere made up of an outer layer of cells, a fluid-filled cavity and cluster of cells inside called the inner cell mass. The blastocyst develops after cleavage and prior to implantation at approximately five days. Further reproductive development occurs only if the blastocyst is successfully implanted in the uterus.
Pembelahan sel menghasilkan dua sel anak dengan sifat yang berbeda. Diamati dalam beberapa tapi tidak semua sel-sel induk dan dapat terjadi di jenis-jenis sel progenitor.
Embrio tahap awal dari sekitar 100 sel yang belum ditanamkan ke rahim. blastokista adalah bola terdiri dari lapisan luar sel, suatu rongga berisi cairan dan kumpulan sel-sel di dalam disebut inner cell mass. blastokista yang berkembang setelah belahan, dan sebelum implantasi sekitar lima hari. perkembangan alat reproduksi lebih lanjut terjadi hanya jika blastosis berhasil ditanamkan dalam rahim.
Keterlibatan dalam program yang membawa kepada diferensiasi. Untuk sel induk, ini berarti tidak lagi mempertahankan kemampuan untuk memperbaharui diri.
Одна ячейка результате слияние мужских и женских гамет (сперматозоидов и яйцеклетки) при оплодотворении.
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