- Industry: Government
- Number of terms: 41534
- Number of blossaries: 0
- Company Profile:
A pathogenic, diarrhea-producing bacterium that is the leading cause of human foodborne illness among intestinal pathogens. It is commonly found in raw meats, poultry, milk, and eggs, but other foods can carry it. Under 1996 rules published by USDA to control pathogens in meat and poultry, all plants that slaughter food animals and produce raw ground meat products must meet established pathogen reduction performance standards for salmonella contamination. The standards, which took effect in January 1998, vary by product. Plants where USDA testing indicates contamination rates are above the national standard will be required to take remedial actions.
Industry:Food (other)
The livestock so identified is suspected of being affected with a disease or condition which may require its condemnation, in whole or in part, when slaughtered, and is subject to further examination by an inspector to determine its disposal.
Industry:Food (other)
An Italian-style dry cured raw ham; not smoked; often coated with pepper. Prosciutto can be eaten raw because of the way it is processed.
Industry:Food (other)
An approach to farming based on biological methods that avoid the use of synthetic crop or livestock production inputs; also a broadly defined philosophical approach to farming that puts value on ecological harmony, resource efficiency, and non-intensive animal husbandry practices. Farmers who wish to have their operations certified as organic so that they can label their products as organically produced currently follow standards and submit to inspection by private or state certification organizations.
Industry:Food (other)
FSIS assesses the public health concern or hazard presented by a product being recalled, or considered for recall, whether firm-initiated or requested by FSIS, and classifies the concern as one of the following:
# Class I. This is a health hazard situation where there is a reasonable probability that the use of the product will cause serious, adverse health consequences or death. For example, the presence of pathogens in ready-to-eat product or the presence of E. coli O157:H7 in ground beef.
# Class II. This is a health hazard situation where there is a remote probability of adverse health consequences from the use of the product. For example, the presence of undeclared allergens such as milk or soy products.
# Class III. This is a situation where the use of the product will not cause adverse health consequences. For example, the presence of undeclared generally recognized as safe non-allergen substances, such as excess water.
Industry:Food (other)
A fully matured turkey, usually under 15 months of age that is reasonably tender-meated and with reasonably smooth-textured skin.
Industry:Food (other)
A computer-based system used by USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service. The system organizes inspection requirements, schedules inspection activities, and maintains records of findings for meat and poultry processing operations under federal inspection.
Industry:Food (other)
A public-private coalition formed in 1977, which is dedicated to educating the public about safe food handling to help reduce foodborne illnesses. The partnership is comprised of industry, government and consumer groups and has developed a far-reaching, ambitious and consumer-friendly public education campaign focused on safe food handling.
Industry:Food (other)