American Meteorological Society
Industry: Weather
Number of terms: 60695
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
The American Meteorological Society promotes the development and dissemination of information and education on the atmospheric and related oceanic and hydrologic sciences and the advancement of their professional applications. Founded in 1919, AMS has a membership of more than 14,000 professionals, ...
In radar meteorology: 1) for point targets, the minimum angular separation at the antenna for which two targets at the same range can be distinguished; 2) for distributed targets, the minimum angular separation at the antenna for which distinct features (such as reflectivity cores) of the distributed targets can be distinguished. The angular resolution is usually taken to be the 3-dB beamwidth.
An instrument developed by K. Ångström for measuring the effective terrestrial radiation. It consists of four manganin strips, of which two are blackened and two are polished. The blackened strips are allowed to radiate to the atmosphere while the polished strips are shielded. The electrical power required to equalize the temperature of the four strips is taken as a measure of the upwelling terrestrial radiation. See actinometer, pyrheliometer; compare Ångström compensation pyrheliometer.
“Rock debris formed by intensive frost action, derived from underlying or adjacent bedrock. Contrast with glacial drift. ”
A measure of the turbidity of the atmosphere, equal to the aerosol optical depth at a wavelength of 1 μm.
An absolute instrument developed by K. Ångström for the measurement of direct solar radiation. The radiation receiver station consists of two identical manganin strips, the temperatures of which are measured by attached thermocouples. One of the strips is shaded, while the other is exposed to sunlight. An electrical heating current is passed through the shaded strip to raise its temperature to that of the exposed strip. The electric power required to accomplish this is a measure of the solar radiation. See actinometer, pyrheliometer; compare Ångström pyrgeometer.
The boundary between the southward flowing Angola Current and the northward flowing Benguela Current. It is seen as a temperature front in the upper 50 m and as a salinity front to depths of at least 250 m.
A unit of length equal to 0. 1 nm, or 10−4 μm.
A relatively strong southward current along the Angolan coast. The current forms the eastern side of a cyclonic gyre centered on 13°S, 4°E and is driven by the extension of the South Equatorial Countercurrent. It reaches to depths of at least 300 m and attains its maximum speed of 0. 5 m s−1 just below the surface.
The angle between the direction of propagation of an electromagnetic or acoustic wave (or ray) reflected by a body and the local normal to that body (although this normal may not be well defined, as that for a cloud, e.g.). May also describe beams of particles in the broadest sense. See reflection.
The angle between the direction of propagation of an electromagnetic or acoustic wave (or ray) refracted by an optically homogeneous body and the local normal to that body.
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